Bible Classes

Our Bible classes are a great way to engage in study with the added benefit of discussion with other believers. It is encouraging to hear others expressing their faith and seeing their growth. This is true not only for the adult classes, but for the children’s classes as well. You are encouraged to join our discussions. We are currently studying from the following:


Sunday Mornings (9:30 AM): Profiles of New Testament Congregations

Wednesday Evenings (7:00 PM): Promises of God

Older Children

Sundays: I-2 John, Jude, Philemon

Wednesdays: Evidence For Belief

Younger Children

K-2nd Grade: Shaping Hearts – Letters From Heaven

Pre-K – Acts


Study Guides

If you are looking for downloadable material to help you learn the bible, please click on “Study Guides” at the top of this page.